Pure Organic Privacy Policy Summary
At Pure Organic Restaurant, our esteemed customers are our topmost priority. Hence, we are working hard to provide personalized shopping convenience, high-quality products supported by excellent service.
The information you share with Pure Organic Restaurant allows us to provide high-quality products for healthier living, you need, while giving you a pleasant shopping experience.
Our Chairman reminded us of the commitment “to touch each and everyone’s life positively and a pledge to contribute to a healthier happy society” and work towards building a relationship of trust with our esteemed customers “to build a better world today and for our generations to come.” Our way of doing that is to be transparent and let you know in a clear, prominent, and easily accessible means of collecting, using, sharing, and protecting your data.
Our Policy outlines:
Why and how we collect your personal data.
How Do We Collect Information and What Type Do We Collect?
How your personal data is protected and used.
When and with whom specifically do we share your data
What choices you can make about how we collect, use, and share your personal information.
How Do We Collect Information
We collect information from you in two ways:
(1) information we receive directly from you
(2) information we receive indirectly from others
Information we receive directly from you includes:
1. information you actively share with us, such as when you create an account on our website or mobile app.
2. information you provide us passively through technology, such as through a cookie placed on your computer when you visit our websites.
We also receive information from other sources to help us supplement our records, improve the personalization of our product to you, and detect fraud in financial transactions for security purposes. Our goal is to limit the information we collect to the information needed to support our business as much as possible efficiently